Patent and Trademark Attorneys in the Higher Courts

CPD Training (UK) is delighted to confirm it has been appointed as an accredited provider of the Higher Courts Advocacy Course for patent attorneys and trade mark attorneys. The accreditation runs for the next 5 years.

After an extensive application, the Intellectual Property Litigation Board (IPReg) granted CPD Training’s request in May 2021.

Starting soon, patent attorneys and trademark attorneys who already hold the Higher Courts Litigation Certificate may enrol on our training and assessment programme. If successful, they can then apply to IPReg to be awarded higher rights of audience in the High Court, the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court.

For now, the programme is conducted online with materials and videos on subjects such as interim applications; cross-examination; case analysis and making submissions of law. This is followed by a 3-hour online appointment with a highly-experienced advocacy trainer.

A week to 10 days later, candidates will appear at a 60-minute online appointment for an oral examination on Evidence, Ethics and Procedure.

A few days later candidates will be assessed in Advocacy, in 3 spaced appearances in interim applications, cross-examination and trial speeches.

In due course we also intend to offer classroom-based courses once Covid-19 restrictions have been removed.

For more information on the course content and structure, and course dates, please click here.

AuthorNicolas Gruszka